Post Office Blues

My name is Fiona Tilly Anne Poppyward and I am currently in Copenhagen to continue my ongoing segment can the Danish government run a successful business?  Today we are taking an in-depth look into the Danish equivalent of Royal Mail. Their latest idea is to make a pop-up post office in the rural areas which …

New Times At NASA

I am Nicole Taramas from Lincolnshire Science Times and News. NASA has invited me to Cape Canaveral, Florida, to hear about a new method for launching their space shuttles. Mr. Brian Basindunne Edgar Stoke, you are the Chief Engineer and responsible for getting the astronauts safely in the air is that correct? Yes Miss Taramas …


I am Gordon Powers. Welcome to what critics like my mother call the best gameshow in the world. You guess it is time to play Yeah, I Won Something. It is a game show about fun, sustainability, and the common good. Today, we have three contestants with us. Welcome, and also a warm welcome to …


I am Vera Cadvert Coles with the Fine Dining & Arts Tribune in Essex. Today I am at the home of Cat Middleton and Jeremy Barkson in their Somerset home. Cat Middleton, you are a famous cat rights activist. What made you start fighting for cat rights And what is your hope for the future? …

An ode to sickness

I am Gemma Wadlehobbs Steep from the Honest at Times. I am in Leicester to chat with local resident Andrew Scott McEarlmore. He fell ill at just the right time, and I talked with him about his good fortune.  Mr. McEarlmore, being sick is always an inconvenience for most, but not for you. Would you mind …

A talk with the devil

My name is Cordelia Smythe Westmaclemore, and I work for the Sinners and Saints Gazette. Today, I am in Hell to talk with the devil himself about how he copes with technology and its ever-growing impact on his society. Thank you very much for inviting me, Mr. Lucifer My pleasure, Miss Westmaclemore. Please call me …

A CEO Tale

I am Allesandra Mayforth with Deer and Dove Magazine. Today, I am at the home of Maximilian Macpowers, the CEO of GravenStone INC. Mr. Macpowers, thank you for meeting with me in your lovely Swiss Alps home. The pleasure is all yours, Miss Mayforth. Your reign at Gravenstone has been quite tumultuous since the cartel …